* root@sysadm:~# history * 1 cd * 2 cd .ssh/ * 3 vi authorized_keys * 4 cd * 5 sudo ufw default deny incoming * 6 sudo ufw default allow outgoing * 7 ufw allow 22 * 8 ifco * 9 ip a * 10 ufw enable * 11 ufw status * 12 df -H * 13 apt update * 14 apt upgrade * 15 init 6 * 16 clear * 17 apt update * 18 cat /etc/issue * 19 apt-get install build-essential * 20 apt-get install git-core subversion libjansson-dev sqlite autoconf automake libxml2-dev libncurses5-dev libtool * 21 cd /usr/src/ * 22 wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk-16-current.tar.gz * 23 tar -zxvf asterisk-16-current.tar.gz * 24 ls * 25 cd asterisk-16.19.1/contrib/scripts/ * 26 ./install_prereq install * 27 cdls * 28 ls * 29 cd ../../ * 30 ls * 31 ./configure * 32 ls * 33 make * 34 make clean * 35 make menuselect * 36 make * 37 make install * 38 make samples * 39 make config * 40 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 41 ls * 42 vi sip.conf * 43 cp sip.conf sip.conf.backup * 44 vi sip.conf * 45 asterisk -r * 46 asterisk * 47 asterisk -rvvvvvvvv * 48 ufw status * 49 ufw allow 5060/udp * 50 ufw allow 10000:20000/udp * 51 asterisk -r * 52 vi sip.conf * 53 asterisk -r * 54 vi sip.conf * 55 ls * 56 vi extensions.conf * 57 cp extensions.conf extensions.conf.backup * 58 vi extensions.conf * 59 asterisk -rvvvvvvv * 60 vi extensions.conf * 61 asterisk -r * 62 vi extensions.conf * 63 asterisk -r * 64 vi extensions.conf * 65 asterisk -r * 66 asterisk -rvvvvvvvvv * 67 vi sip.conf * 68 asterisk -r * 69 asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvv * 70 vi extensions.conf * 71 asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv * 72 vi extensions.conf * 73 asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv * 74 vi extensions.conf * 75 asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv * 76 vi extensions.conf * 77 asterisk -r * 78 asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv * 79 vi sip.conf * 80 vi extensions.conf * 81 asterisk -r * 82 vi sip.conf * 83 vi sip.conf.backup * 84 vi sip.conf * 85 asterisk -r * 86 vi extensions.conf * 87 asterisk -r * 88 vi sip.conf * 89 vi extensions.conf * 90 exit * 91 history * 92 ifco * 93 ip a * 94 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 95 ls * 96 cat sip.conf * 97 cd * 98 history * 99 ifconfig * 100 apt install net-tools * 101 ifconfig * 102 exit * 103 history * 104 hostnamectl * 105 ufw status * 106 ls -al .ssh/ * 107 cat .ssh/authorized_keys * 108 hostory * 109 history * 110 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 111 ls * 112 vi sip.conf * 113 vi extensions.conf * 114 hostory * 115 history * 116 vi sip.conf * 117 clear * 118 cd * 119 exit * 120 history * 121 exit * 122 clear * 123 cd * 124 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 125 ls * 126 vi sip.conf * 127 vi extensions.conf * 128 cd * 129 clear * 130 cd * 131 vi .bash_history * 132 cd * 133 clear * 134 cd * 135 asterisk -r * 136 clear * 137 cd * 138 ifconfig * 139 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 140 vi sip.conf * 141 ifconfig * 142 clear * 143 cd * 144 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 145 vi sip.conf * 146 vi extensions.conf * 147 clear * 148 cd * 149 ufw status * 150 clear * 151 cd * 152 clear * 153 cd * 154 clear * 155 cd * 156 clear * 157 cd * 158 asterisk -r * 159 tail -f /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv * 160 clear * 161 cd * 162 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 163 ls * 164 cp sip.conf sip.conf.shahriar * 165 vi sip.conf.shahriar * 166 vi sip.conf * 167 clear * 168 cd * 169 vi sip.conf * 170 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 171 vi sip.conf * 172 cd * 173 asterisk -r * 174 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 175 vi sip.conf * 176 asterisk -r * 177 cd * 178 clear * 179 cd * 180 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 181 vi sip.conf * 182 sip reload * 183 asterisk -r * 184 vi sip.conf * 185 asterisk -r * 186 tail -f /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv * 187 clear * 188 ls * 189 vi extensions.conf * 190 cp extensions.conf extensions.conf.shahriar * 191 vi extensions.conf * 192 tail -f /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv * 193 asterisk -r * 194 vi sip.conf * 195 clear * 196 cd * 197 tail -f /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv * 198 asterisk -r * 199 clar * 200 clear * 201 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 202 vi sip.conf * 203 tail -f /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv * 204 asterisk -r * 205 vi extensions.conf * 206 exit * 207 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 208 vi sip.conf * 209 vi extensions.conf * 210 asterisk -r * 211 vi sip.conf * 212 asterisk -r * 213 vi sip.conf * 214 asterisk -r * 215 vi sip.conf * 216 asterisk -r * 217 exit * 218 ifconfig * 219 history * 220 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 221 cat sip.conf * 222 vi sip.conf * 223 asterisk -rvvv * 224 ufw status * 225 vi extensions.conf * 226 vi sip.conf * 227 /etc/init.d/asterisk stop * 228 /etc/init.d/asterisk status * 229 vi sip.conf * 230 vi extensions.conf * 231 /etc/init.d/asterisk status * 232 asterisk -r * 233 vi sip.conf * 234 vi extensions.conf * 235 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 236 vi sip.conf * 237 vi extensions.conf * 238 exit * 239 clear * 240 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 241 ls * 242 cler * 243 clear * 244 w * 245 cd * 246 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 247 cat sip.conf * 248 cat extensions.conf * 249 exit * 250 clear * 251 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 252 ls * 253 cat sip.conf * 254 cat extensions.conf * 255 asterisk -rvvv * 256 cd * 257 mysql - * 258 mysql -p * 259 asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvv * 260 ls * 261 cd recording/ * 262 ls * 263 du -sh 1627886601.43.wav * 264 asterisk -r * 265 exit * 266 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 267 vi sip.conf * 268 vi extensions.conf * 269 ls /home/sysadm/bdcomMain.wav * 270 vi extensions.conf * 271 mkdir /home/sysadm/recording * 272 vi extensions.conf * 273 vi queues.conf * 274 vi extensions.conf * 275 vi queues.conf * 276 date * 277 vi extensions.conf * 278 cd /var/log/asterisk/ * 279 ls * 280 cd cdr-csv/ * 281 ls * 282 cat Master.csv * 283 ll * 284 cd ../ * 285 ls * 286 cat messages * 287 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 288 ls * 289 vi extensions.conf * 290 cd /var/log/asterisk/ * 291 ls * 292 ll * 293 cd cdr-csv/ * 294 ls * 295 cat Master.csv * 296 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 297 vi queues.conf * 298 asterisk -r * 299 apt -y install mysql-server * 300 mysql_secure_installation * 301 mysql -u root -p * 302 apt -y install libmysqlclient-dev * 303 apt -y install apache2 * 304 apt install phpmyadmin * 305 ufw status * 306 ufw allow 80/tcp * 307 ls * 308 vi cdr_mysql.conf * 309 asterisk -r * 310 ufw status * 311 ufw allow from to any * 312 asterisk -r * 313 exit * 314 cd * 315 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 316 vi extensions.conf * 317 ping mail.bdcom.com * 318 ping mail.bdcom.net * 319 clear * 320 cd * 321 celar * 322 ufw status * 323 asterisk -rvvv * 324 asterisk -r * 325 clear * 326 service asterisk status * 327 service asterisk start * 328 service asterisk status * 329 clear * 330 cd * 331 asterisk -r * 332 clear * 333 cd * 334 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 335 ls * 336 vi extensions.conf * 337 vi sip.conf * 338 clear * 339 cd * 340 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 341 ls * 342 vi hep.conf * 343 cd * 344 man sip * 345 man vi * 346 clear * 347 cd * 348 ping sipix.bdix.net * 349 clear * 350 cd * 351 tail -f /var/log/me * 352 clear * 353 cd * 354 clear * 355 cd * 356 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 357 vi sip.conf * 358 ifconfig * 359 vi sip.conf * 360 asterisk -rvvv * 361 clear * 362 cd * 363 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 364 ls * 365 vi sip.conf * 366 vi extensions.conf * 367 clear * 368 cd * 369 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 370 clear * 371 vi extensions.conf * 372 cd * 373 clear * 374 cd * 375 clear * 376 cd * 377 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 378 ls * 379 clear * 380 cd * 381 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 382 ls * 383 clear * 384 cd * 385 clear * 386 cd * 387 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 388 ls * 389 vi extensions.conf * 390 exit * 391 apt install snmp snmpd * 392 vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf * 393 cd /etc/snmp/ * 394 ls * 395 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/librenms/librenms-agent/master/snmp/asterisk -O /etc/snmp/asterisk * 396 ls * 397 chmod +x /etc/snmp/asterisk * 398 extend asterisk /etc/snmp/asterisk * 399 apt install survex * 400 extend asterisk /etc/snmp/asterisk * 401 chmod +x /etc/snmp/asterisk * 402 extend asterisk /etc/snmp/asterisk * 403 cd * 404 extend asterisk /etc/snmp/asterisk * 405 cd /etc/snmp/ * 406 extend asterisk /etc/snmp/asterisk * 407 vi asterisk * 408 /etc/init.d/snmpd restart * 409 extend asterisk /etc/snmp/asterisk * 410 cd * 411 ufw status * 412 ufw allow from * 413 ifconfig * 414 ufw enable * 415 ifconfig * 416 ufw status * 417 ufw allow from * 418 ufw enable * 419 vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf * 420 /etc/init.d/snmpd restart * 421 ifconfig * 422 ufw status * 423 vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf * 424 /etc/init.d/snmpd restart * 425 ufw allow from * 426 ufw enable * 427 ifconfig * 428 cd /etc/snmp/ * 429 ls * 430 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/librenms/librenms-agent/master/snmp/apache-stats.py -O /etc/snmp/apache-stats.py * 431 ls * 432 chmod +x /etc/snmp/apache-stats.py * 433 mkdir -p /var/cache/librenms/ * 434 apt-get install python3-urllib3 * 435 extend apache /etc/snmp/apache-stats.py * 436 ls * 437 vi snmpd.conf * 438 wget wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/librenms/librenms-agent/master/snmp/backupninja.py -O /etc/snmp/backupninja.py` * 439 wget wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/librenms/librenms-agent/master/snmp/backupninja.py -O /etc/snmp/backupninja.py * 440 chmod +x /etc/snmp/backupninja.py * 441 vi snmpd.conf * 442 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/librenms/librenms-agent/master/snmp/powermon-snmp.py -O /usr/local/bin/powermon-snmp.py * 443 chmod +x /usr/local/bin/powermon-snmp.py * 444 vi /usr/local/bin/powermon-snmp.py * 445 dnf install lm_sensors * 446 pip install PySensors * 447 apt install python3-pip * 448 dnf install lm_sensors * 449 apt install dnf * 450 dnf install lm_sensors * 451 pip install PySensors * 452 sudo dnf install make gcc-c++ * 453 apt install make gcc-c++ * 454 apt install make gcc * 455 apt install lm_sensors * 456 sensors * 457 apt install lm-sensors * 458 sensors * 459 /usr/local/bin/powermon-snmp.py -m sensors -n -p * 460 ls * 461 chmod +x /usr/local/bin/powermon-snmp.py * 462 cd /usr/local/bin/ * 463 l * 464 /usr/local/bin/powermon-snmp.py -m sensors -n -p * 465 cd * 466 cd /etc/snmp/ * 467 vi snmpd.conf * 468 /etc/init.d/snmpd restart * 469 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/librenms/librenms-agent/master/snmp/ntp-client -O /etc/snmp/ntp-client * 470 chmod +x /etc/snmp/ntp-client * 471 extend ntp-client /etc/snmp/ntp-client * 472 vi snmpd.conf * 473 cd * 474 asterisk -r vvv * 475 ping secure.bdcom.com.bd * 476 ssh * 477 ping mail.bdcom.com.bd * 478 ping * 479 ping map.bdcom.net * 480 ping archive.bpdb.gov.bd * 481 ping bd.bpdb.gov.bd * 482 ping mailx.bpdb.gov.bd * 483 ping bdcom.bpdb.gov.bd * 484 ping bd.bpdb.gov.bd * 485 ping info.bdcom.net * 486 ping office.tracerbd.com * 487 cd /var/www/ * 488 ls * 489 cd html/ * 490 ls * 491 ifconfig | more * 492 cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ * 493 ls * 494 ufw status * 495 cd * 496 cat .ssh/authorized_keys * 497 exit * 498 cd /etc/asterisk/ * 499 ls * 500 cat sip.conf * 501 cat extensions.conf * 502 ls * 503 mysql -p * 504 ls * 505 cat acl.conf * 506 ls * 507 cat cdr_mysql.conf * 508 cat sip.conf * 509 cat extensions.conf * 510 cat cdr_mysql.conf * 511 cd * 512 history * 513* * 514 cat history * 515 history * '' root@sysadm:/etc/asterisk# cat sip.conf'' * [general] * allowoverlap=yes * allowguest=no * bindport=5060 * udpbindaddr= * tcpenable=no * tcpbindaddr= * transport=udp * srvloopup=yes * useragent=BDCOM IPTSP * videosupport=yes * alwaysauthreject=yes * progressinband=yes * silencesuppression=no * insecure=no * allowtransfer=yes * sendrpid=yes * trustrpid=yes * register => 911322:863633@ * * ; BDCOM Trunk * [BDCOM] * type=friend * context=from-bdcom * username=911322 * secret=863633 * host= * port=5060 * canreinvite=no * qualify=yes * insecure=port,invite * ;insecure=no * nat=force_rport,comedia * dtmfmode=rfc2833 * disallow=all * allow=alaw * allow=ulaw * [1001] * type=friend * context=from-net * username=1001 * callerid = "rubel phone<1001>" * defaultuser=1001 * secret=ABCHD123# * host=dynamic * port=5060 * canreinvite=no * qualify=yes * insecure=no * nat=force_rport,comedia * dtmfmode=rfc2833 * disallow=all * allow=alaw * allow=ulaw * [1002] * type=friend * context=from-net * username=1002 * callerid = "rubel Mobile<1002>" * defaultuser=1002 * secret=ABCHD123 * host=dynamic * port=5060 * canreinvite=no * qualify=yes * insecure=no * nat=force_rport,comedia * dtmfmode=rfc2833 * disallow=all * allow=alaw * allow=ulaw * ;Humayun * [1003] * type=friend * context=from-net * username=1003 * callerid = "Humayun<1003>" * defaultuser=1003 * secret=ABCHD123 * host=dynamic * port=5060 * canreinvite=no * qualify=yes * insecure=no * nat=force_rport,comedia * dtmfmode=rfc2833 * disallow=all * allow=alaw * allow=ulaw * * * * ;sHaHriar * [1009] * type=friend * context=from-net * username=1009 * callerid = "sHaHriar Mobile<1009>" * defaultuser=1009 * secret=dhaka321 * host=dynamic * port=5060 * canreinvite=no * qualify=yes * insecure=no * nat=force_rport,comedia * dtmfmode=rfc2833 * disallow=all * allow=alaw * allow=ulaw * ;Bashar * [1005] * type=friend * context=from-net * username=1005 * callerid = "Bashar Mobile<1005>" * defaultuser=1005 * secret=3S0ns2o21 * host=dynamic * port=5060 * canreinvite=no * qualify=yes * insecure=no * nat=force_rport,comedia * dtmfmode=rfc2833 * disallow=all * allow=alaw * allow=ulaw * '' root@sysadm:/etc/asterisk# cat extensions.conf'' * [general] * static=yes * writeprotect=yes * clearglobalvars=no * * [globals] * * * [from-net] * * exten => _XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},10) * same => n,Hangup() * * exten => _XXXX/_1003,1,NoOp(-----) * exten => _XXXX/_1003,2,Set(CALLERID(NAME)=Helpdesk) * exten => _XXXX/_1003,3,Set(CALLERID(NUM)=09666666666) * exten => _XXXX/_09666666666,4,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},10) * same => n,Hangup() * * * * ;exten => _0X./_1001,1,Dial(SIP/BDCOM/${EXTEN}) * ;same => n,Hanup() * * ;exten => 1002,1,Dial(SIP/1002) * ;same => n,Hnaup() * * ;exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001) * ;same => n,Hnaup() * * ;exten => 1009,1,Dial(SIP/1009) * ;same => n,Hnaup() * * [from-bdcom] * * ;exten => _911322,1,Dial(SIP/1001) * ;same => n,Hangup() * * exten => _911322,1,Read(INPUT,/home/sysadm/bdcomMain) * same => n,NoOp(---${INPUT}---) * same => n,Goto(from-input,${INPUT},1) * ;same => n,Dial(SIP/${INPUT},10) * ;same => n,Hangup() * * [from-input] * exten => _0,1,Queue(support) * same => n,Hangup() * * exten => _1,1,MixMonitor(/home/sysadm/recording/${UNIQUEID}.wav,b) * same => n,GotoIfTime(06:30-17:30,*,*,*?open:close) * * same => n(open),Dial(SIP/1001) * same => n,Hangup() * * same => n(close),Dial(SIP/1009) * same => n,Hangup() * * '' root@sysadm:/etc/asterisk# cat cdr_mysql.conf'' * ; * [global] * hostname=localhost * dbname=project1 * table=bit_cdr * password=hibdcom * user=rubel * port=3306 * sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/ https://www.voip-info.org/asterisk-config-queuesconf /?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_Nrl.DSBxcF9YnFbDRweEw7EUmFA4yejMQSfvAA0W260-1635147369-0-gqNtZGzNAnujcnBszQf9 https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Building+Queues https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/The+Read+Application ====== Asterisk CLI ====== Type “asterisk -r” to bring you into the command line for your PBX Type “sip show registry” to show you your trunk registrations Type “sip show peers” to show your extensions Type “sip show peer 100” to show you details of that extension (note: use the extension number you created if it’s not 100) Type “sip set debug on” to enable debugging and watch the SIP traffic Using the above commands, and monitoring information on a busy phone system can be difficult due to the speed of the information that is coming in on your screen. The commands listed below would be best suited for busier environments as they remove a lot of noise that can occur while watching the SIP traffic. Type “exit” and hit enter to get back to the main command line prompt for your PBX Type “cd /var/log/asterisk” to view all of the logs Type “tail full” to view the full logs only Type “asterisk -r” to go back and write the command to remove debugging Type “sip set debug off” to turn off debugging, to avoid information overload when viewing your logs Type “exit” and hit enter to go back to the main command line prompt for your PBX Type “more full : grep 100” to give you all of the messages that include “100” (if different, replace 100 with the extension number that you created) Type “more full : grep -i unreachable” to view logs that indicate the extension was unreachable * acl show -- Show a named ACL or list all named ACLs * ael reload -- Reload AEL configuration * ael set debug {read|tokens|macros|contexts|off} -- Enable AEL debugging flags * agent logoff -- Sets an agent offline * agent show all -- Show status of all agents * agent show online -- Show status of online agents * agent show -- Show information about an agent * agi dump html -- Dumps a list of AGI commands in HTML format * agi exec -- Add AGI command to a channel in Async AGI * agi set debug [on|off] -- Enable/Disable AGI debugging * agi show commands [topic] -- List AGI commands or specific help * aoc set debug -- enable cli debugging of AOC messages * ari mkpasswd -- Encrypts a password * ari set debug -- Enable/disable debugging of an ARI application * ari show apps -- List registered ARI applications * ari show app -- Display details of a registered ARI application * ari show status -- Show ARI settings * ari show users -- List ARI users * ari show user -- List single ARI user * bridge kick -- Kick a channel from a bridge * bridge show all -- List all bridges * bridge show -- Show information about a bridge * bridge technology show -- List registered bridge technologies * bridge technology {suspend|unsuspend} -- Suspend/unsuspend a bridge technology * calendar dump sched -- Dump calendar sched context * calendar show calendar -- Display information about a calendar * calendar show calendars -- Show registered calendars * calendar show types -- Show all calendar types loaded * cc cancel [core|all] -- Kill a CC transaction * cc report status -- Reports CC stats * cdr set debug [on|off] -- Enable debugging in the CDR engine * cdr show active -- Display active CDRs for channels * cdr show pgsql status -- Show connection status of the PostgreSQL CDR driver (cdr_pgsql) * cdr show status -- Display the CDR status * cdr submit -- Posts all pending batched CDR data * cel show status -- Display the CEL status * channel originate -- Originate a call * channel redirect -- Redirect a call * channel request hangup -- Request a hangup on a given channel * cli check permissions -- Try a permissions config for a user * cli reload permissions -- Reload CLI permissions config * cli show aliases -- Show CLI command aliases * cli show permissions -- Show CLI permissions * confbridge kick -- Kick participants out of conference bridges. * confbridge list -- List conference bridges and participants. * confbridge lock -- Lock a conference. * confbridge mute -- Mute participants. * confbridge record start -- Start recording a conference * confbridge record stop -- Stop recording a conference. * confbridge show menu -- Show a conference menu * confbridge show menus -- Show a list of conference menus * confbridge show profile bridge -- Show a conference bridge profile. * confbridge show profile bridges -- Show a list of conference bridge profiles. * confbridge show profile user -- Show a conference user profile. * confbridge show profile users -- Show a list of conference user profiles. * confbridge unlock -- Unlock a conference. * confbridge unmute -- Unmute participants. * config list -- Show all files that have loaded a configuration file * config reload -- Force a reload on modules using a particular configuration file * config show help -- Show configuration help for a module * console answer -- Answer an incoming console call * console boost -- Sets/displays mic boost in dB * console dial -- Dial an extension on the console * console flash -- Flash a call on the console * console hangup -- Hangup a call on the console * console {mute|unmute} [toggle] -- Disable/Enable mic input * console send text -- Send text to the remote device * console transfer -- Transfer a call to a different extension * console {device} -- Generic console command * console {set|show} autoanswer [on|off] -- Sets/displays autoanswer * console {set|show} active [] -- Sets/displays active console * core abort shutdown -- Cancel a running shutdown * core clear profile -- Clear profiling info * core ping taskprocessor -- Ping a named task processor * core reload -- Global reload * core reset taskprocessor -- Reset a named task processor's stats * core reset taskprocessors -- Reset all task processors' stats * core restart gracefully -- Restart Asterisk gracefully * core restart now -- Restart Asterisk immediately * core restart when convenient -- Restart Asterisk at empty call volume * core set debug category -- Enable/disable debugging categories * core set debug channel -- Enable/disable debugging on a channel * core set debug -- Set level of debug chattiness * core set trace -- Set level of trace chattiness * core set verbose -- Set level of verbose chattiness * core show applications [like|describing] -- Shows registered dialplan applications * core show application -- Describe a specific dialplan application * core show calls [uptime] -- Display information on calls * core show channels [concise|verbose|count] -- Display information on channels * core show channel -- Display information on a specific channel * core show channeltypes -- List available channel types * core show channeltype -- Give more details on that channel type * core show codecs [audio|video|image|text] -- Displays a list of registered codecs * core show codec -- Shows a specific codec * core show config mappings -- Display config mappings (file names to config engines) * core show file formats -- Displays file formats * core show functions [like] -- Shows registered dialplan functions * core show function -- Describe a specific dialplan function * core show hanguphandlers all -- Show hangup handlers of all channels * core show hanguphandlers -- Show hangup handlers of a specified channel * core show help -- Display help list, or specific help on a command * core show hints -- Show dialplan hints * core show hint -- Show dialplan hint * core show image formats -- Displays image formats * core show license -- Show the license(s) for this copy of Asterisk * core show profile -- Display profiling info * core show settings -- Show some core settings * core show sounds -- Shows available sounds * core show sound -- Shows details about a specific sound * core show switches -- Show alternative switches * core show sysinfo -- Show System Information * core show taskprocessor alerted subsystems -- List task processor subsystems in alert * core show taskprocessors [like] -- List instantiated task processors and statistics * core show threads -- Show running threads * core show translation -- Display translation matrix * core show uptime [seconds] -- Show uptime information * core show version -- Display version info * core show warranty -- Show the warranty (if any) for this copy of Asterisk * core stop gracefully -- Gracefully shut down Asterisk * core stop now -- Shut down Asterisk immediately * core stop when convenient -- Shut down Asterisk at empty call volume * core waitfullybooted -- Wait for Asterisk to be fully booted * database del -- Removes database key/value * database deltree -- Removes database keytree/values * database get -- Gets database value * database put -- Adds/updates database value * database query -- Run a user-specified query on the astdb * database show -- Shows database contents * database showkey -- Shows database contents * devstate change -- Change a custom device state * devstate list -- List currently known custom device states * dialplan add extension -- Add new extension into context * dialplan add ignorepat -- Add new ignore pattern * dialplan add include -- Include context in other context * dialplan debug -- Show fast extension pattern matching data structures * dialplan locks show -- List func_lock locks. * dialplan reload -- Reload extensions and *only* extensions * dialplan remove context -- Remove a specified context * dialplan remove extension -- Remove a specified extension * dialplan remove ignorepat -- Remove ignore pattern from context * dialplan remove include -- Remove a specified include from context * dialplan set chanvar -- Set a channel variable * dialplan set extenpatternmatchnew false -- Use the Old extension pattern matching algorithm. * dialplan set extenpatternmatchnew true -- Use the New extension pattern matching algorithm. * dialplan set global -- Set global dialplan variable * dialplan show -- Show dialplan * dialplan show chanvar -- Show channel variables * dialplan show globals -- Show global dialplan variables * dnsmgr refresh -- Performs an immediate refresh * dnsmgr reload -- Reloads the DNS manager configuration * dnsmgr status -- Display the DNS manager status * dundi flush [stats] -- Flush DUNDi cache * dundi lookup -- Lookup a number in DUNDi * dundi precache -- Precache a number in DUNDi * dundi query -- Query a DUNDi EID * dundi set debug {on|off} -- Enable/Disable DUNDi debugging * dundi show cache -- Show DUNDi cache * dundi show entityid -- Display Global Entity ID * dundi show hints -- Show DUNDi hints in the cache * dundi show mappings -- Show DUNDi mappings * dundi show peers [registered|include|exclude|begin] -- Show defined DUNDi peers * dundi show peer -- Show info on a specific DUNDi peer * dundi show precache -- Show DUNDi precache * dundi show requests -- Show DUNDi requests * dundi show trans -- Show active DUNDi transactions * dundi store history {on|off} -- Enable/Disable DUNDi historic records * fax set debug {on|off} -- Enable/Disable FAX debugging on new FAX sessions * fax show capabilities -- Show the capabilities of the registered FAX technology modules * fax show session -- Show the status of the named FAX sessions * fax show sessions -- Show the current FAX sessions * fax show settings -- Show the global settings and defaults of both the FAX core and technology modules * fax show stats -- Summarize FAX session history * fax show version -- Show versions of FAX For Asterisk components * features show -- Lists configured features * file convert -- Convert audio file * group show channels -- Display active channels with group(s) * hangup request -- * help -- * http show status -- Display HTTP server status * indication add -- Add the given indication to the country * indication remove -- Remove the given indication from the country * indication show -- Display a list of all countries/indications * keys init -- Initialize RSA key passcodes * keys show -- Displays RSA key information * local show channels -- List status of local channels * logger add channel -- Adds a new logging channel * logger mute -- Toggle logging output to a console * logger reload -- Reopens the log files * logger remove channel -- Removes a logging channel * logger rotate -- Rotates and reopens the log files * logger set level {DEBUG|TRACE|NOTICE|WARNING|ERROR|VERBOSE|DTMF} {on|off} -- Enables/Disables a specific logging level for this console * logger show channels -- List configured log channels * malloc trim -- Return excess memory to the OS * manager reload -- Reload manager configurations * manager set debug [on|off] -- Show, enable, disable debugging of the manager code * manager show command -- Show a manager interface command * manager show commands -- List manager interface commands * manager show connected -- List connected manager interface users * manager show eventq -- List manager interface queued events * manager show events -- List manager interface events * manager show event -- Show a manager interface event * manager show settings -- Show manager global settings * manager show users -- List configured manager users * manager show user -- Display information on a specific manager user * media cache create -- Create an item in the media cache * media cache delete -- Remove an item from the media cache * media cache refresh -- Refresh an item in the media cache * media cache show all -- Show all items in the media cache * media cache show -- Show a single item in the media cache * minivm list accounts [for] -- List defined mini-voicemail boxes * minivm list templates -- List message templates * minivm list zones -- List zone message formats * minivm reload -- Reload Mini-voicemail configuration * minivm show settings -- Show mini-voicemail general settings * minivm show stats -- Show some mini-voicemail statistics * mixmonitor {start|stop|list} -- Execute a MixMonitor command * module load -- Load a module by name * module reload -- Reload configuration for a module * module show [like] -- List modules and info * module unload -- Unload a module by name * moh reload -- Reload MusicOnHold * moh show classes -- List MusicOnHold classes * moh show files -- List MusicOnHold file-based classes * moh unregister class -- Unregister realtime MusicOnHold class * no debug channel -- Disable debugging on channel(s) * odbc read -- Test reading a func_odbc function * odbc show -- List ODBC DSN(s) * odbc write -- Test setting a func_odbc function * originate -- * osp show -- Displays OSF information * parking show -- Show a parking lot or a list of all parking lots. * phoneprov show routes -- Show registered phoneprov http routes * pjproject set log level {default|0|1|2|3|4|5|6} -- Set the maximum active pjproject logging level * pjproject show buildopts -- Show the compiled config of the pjproject in use * pjproject show log level -- Show the maximum active pjproject logging level * pjproject show log mappings -- Show pjproject to Asterisk log mappings * pjsip dump endpt -- Dump the res_pjsip endpt internals * pjsip export config_wizard primitives [to] -- Export config wizard primitives * pjsip list aors -- List PJSIP Aors * pjsip list auths -- List PJSIP Auths * pjsip list channels -- List PJSIP Channels * pjsip list ciphers -- List available OpenSSL cipher names * pjsip list contacts -- List PJSIP Contacts * pjsip list endpoints -- List PJSIP Endpoints * pjsip list identifies -- List PJSIP Identifies * pjsip list registrations -- List PJSIP Registrations * pjsip list subscriptions {inbound|outbound} [like] -- List active inbound/outbound subscriptions * pjsip list transports -- List PJSIP Transports * pjsip qualify -- Send an OPTIONS request to a PJSIP endpoint * pjsip reload qualify aor -- Synchronize the PJSIP Aor qualify options * pjsip reload qualify endpoint -- Synchronize the qualify options for all Aors on the PJSIP endpoint * pjsip reload -- * pjsip send notify -- Send a NOTIFY request to a SIP endpoint * pjsip send register -- Registers an outbound registration target * pjsip send unregister -- Unregisters outbound registration target * pjsip set history {on|off|clear} -- Enable/Disable PJSIP History * pjsip set logger {on|off|host|add|verbose|pcap} -- Enable/Disable PJSIP Logger Output * pjsip show aors -- Show PJSIP Aors * pjsip show aor -- Show PJSIP Aor * pjsip show auths -- Show PJSIP Auths * pjsip show auth -- Show PJSIP Auth * pjsip show channels -- Show PJSIP Channels * pjsip show channel -- Show PJSIP Channel * pjsip show channelstats -- Show PJSIP Channel Stats * pjsip show contacts -- Show PJSIP Contacts * pjsip show contact -- Show PJSIP Contact * pjsip show endpoints -- Show PJSIP Endpoints * pjsip show endpoint -- Show PJSIP Endpoint * pjsip show history -- Display PJSIP History * pjsip show identifiers -- List registered endpoint identifiers * pjsip show identifies -- Show PJSIP Identifies * pjsip show identify -- Show PJSIP Identify * pjsip show qualify aor -- Show the PJSIP Aor current qualify options * pjsip show qualify endpoint -- Show the current qualify options for all Aors on the PJSIP endpoint * pjsip show registrations -- Show PJSIP Registrations * pjsip show registration -- Show PJSIP Registration * pjsip show scheduled_tasks -- Show pjsip scheduled tasks * pjsip show settings -- Show global and system configuration options * pjsip show subscription {inbound|outbound} -- Show active subscription details * pjsip show subscriptions {inbound|outbound} [like] -- Show active inbound/outbound subscriptions * pjsip show transports -- Show PJSIP Transports * pjsip show transport -- Show PJSIP Transport * pjsip show unidentified_requests -- Show PJSIP Unidentified Requests * pjsip show version -- Show the version of pjproject in use * presencestate change -- Change a custom presence state * presencestate list -- List currently know custom presence states * pri intense debug span -- * queue add member -- Add a channel to a specified queue * queue priority caller -- Change priority caller on queue * queue reload {parameters|members|rules|all} -- Reload queues, members, queue rules, or parameters * queue remove member -- Removes a channel from a specified queue * queue reset stats -- Reset statistics for a queue * queue set penalty -- Set penalty for a channel of a specified queue * queue set ringinuse -- Set ringinuse for a channel of a specified queue * queue show -- Show status of a specified queue * queue show rules -- Show the rules defined in queuerules.conf * queue {pause|unpause} member -- Pause or unpause a queue member * realtime destroy -- Delete a row from a RealTime database * realtime load -- Used to print out RealTime variables. * realtime mysql cache -- Shows cached tables within the MySQL realtime driver * realtime mysql status -- Shows connection information for the MySQL RealTime driver * realtime show pgsql cache -- Shows cached tables within the PostgreSQL realtime driver * realtime show pgsql status -- Shows connection information for the PostgreSQL RealTime driver * realtime store -- Store a new row into a RealTime database * realtime update -- Used to update RealTime variables. * realtime update2 -- Used to test the RealTime update2 method * reload -- * rtcp set debug {on|off|ip} -- Enable/Disable RTCP debugging * rtcp set stats {on|off} -- Enable/Disable RTCP stats * rtp set debug {on|off|ip} -- Enable/Disable RTP debugging * rtp show settings -- Display RTP settings * say load [new|old] -- Set or show the say mode * sip notify -- Send a notify packet to a SIP peer * sip prune realtime [peer|all] -- Prune cached Realtime users/peers * sip qualify peer -- Send an OPTIONS packet to a peer * sip reload -- Reload SIP configuration * sip set debug {on|off|ip|peer} -- Enable/Disable SIP debugging * sip set history {on|off} -- Enable/Disable SIP history * sip show {channels|subscriptions} -- List active SIP channels or subscriptions * sip show channelstats -- List statistics for active SIP channels * sip show channel -- Show detailed SIP channel info * sip show domains -- List our local SIP domains * sip show history -- Show SIP dialog history * sip show inuse [all] -- List all inuse/limits * sip show mwi -- Show MWI subscriptions * sip show objects -- List all SIP object allocations * sip show peers [like] -- List defined SIP peers * sip show peer -- Show details on specific SIP peer * sip show registry -- List SIP registration status * sip show sched -- Present a report on the status of the scheduler queue * sip show settings -- Show SIP global settings * sip show tcp -- List TCP Connections * sip show users [like] -- List defined SIP users * sip show user -- Show details on specific SIP user * sip unregister -- Unregister (force expiration) a SIP peer from the registry * sorcery memory cache dump -- Dump all objects within a sorcery memory cache * sorcery memory cache expire -- Expire a specific object or ALL objects within a sorcery memory cache * sorcery memory cache populate -- Clear and populate the sorcery memory cache with objects from the backend * sorcery memory cache show -- Show sorcery memory cache information * sorcery memory cache stale -- Mark a specific object or ALL objects as stale within a sorcery memory cache * stasis show topics -- Show all topics * stasis show topic -- Show topic * stir_shaken show certificate -- Show stir/shaken certificate configuration by id * stir_shaken show certificates -- Show all stir/shaken certificate configurations * stir_shaken show general -- Show stir/shaken general configuration * stir_shaken show store -- Show stir/shaken store configuration by id * stun set debug {on|off} -- Enable/Disable STUN debugging * stun show status -- Show STUN servers and statuses * timing test -- Run a timing test * udptl set debug {on|off|ip} -- Enable/Disable UDPTL debugging * udptl show config -- Show UDPTL config options * ulimit -- Set or show process resource limits * voicemail reload -- Reload voicemail configuration * voicemail show aliases -- List mailbox aliases * voicemail show users [for] -- List defined voicemail boxes * voicemail show zones -- List zone message formats * xmldoc dump -- Dump the XML docs to the specified file * xmpp create collection -- Creates a PubSub node collection. * xmpp create leaf -- Creates a PubSub leaf node * xmpp delete node -- Deletes a PubSub node * xmpp list nodes -- Lists PubSub nodes * xmpp purge nodes -- Purges PubSub nodes * xmpp set debug {on|off} -- Enable/Disable Jabber debug * xmpp show buddies -- Show buddy lists of our clients * xmpp show connections -- Show state of clients and components sip show peer 183 * Name : 183 Description : Secret : MD5Secret : Remote Secret: Context : from-vip Record On feature : automon Record Off feature : automon Subscr.Cont. : Language : Tonezone : AMA flags : Unknown Transfer mode: open CallingPres : Presentation Allowed, Not Screened Callgroup : 1 Pickupgroup : 1 Named Callgr : Nam. Pickupgr: MOH Suggest : Mailbox : 183@default VM Extension : asterisk LastMsgsSent : 0/0 Call limit : 2 Max forwards : 0 Dynamic : Yes Callerid : "Md. Ziaul Haque Chowdhury Raju" <> MaxCallBR : 384 kbps Expire : 3488 Insecure : port,invite Force rport : Yes Symmetric RTP: Yes ACL : Yes ContactACL : No DirectMedACL : No T.38 support : No T.38 EC mode : Unknown T.38 MaxDtgrm: 4294967295 DirectMedia : No PromiscRedir : No User=Phone : No Video Support: Yes Text Support : No Ign SDP ver : No Trust RPID : Yes Send RPID : Yes Path support : No Path : N/A TrustIDOutbnd: Legacy Subscriptions: Yes Overlap dial : Yes DTMFmode : rfc2833 Timer T1 : 500 Timer B : 32000 ToHost : Addr->IP : Defaddr->IP : (null) Prim.Transp. : UDP Allowed.Trsp : UDP Def. Username: 183 SIP Options : (none) Codecs : (alaw|ulaw) Auto-Framing : No Status : OK (10 ms) Useragent : Grandstream GXP1625 Reg. Contact : sip:183@ Qualify Freq : 60000 ms Keepalive : 0 ms Sess-Timers : Accept Sess-Refresh : uas Sess-Expires : 1800 secs Min-Sess : 90 secs RTP Engine : asterisk Parkinglot : Use Reason : No Encryption : No RTCP Mux : No https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Configuring+Asterisk+for+WebRTC+Clients https://www.voip-info.org/asterisk-cli/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_89b813965b0cd6f1dab848a04629eda659048886-1629098559-0-gqNtZGzNAiKjcnBszQ0O