''sudo apt-get install exim4'' Configure Exim with the following command: ''sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config'' Press the down-arrow key to select mail sent by smarthost; received via SMTP or fetchmail then press Tab, followed by Enter: * # This is a Debian specific file * * dc_eximconfig_configtype='internet' * dc_other_hostnames='*.mx.bdcom.net;bdcom.net' * dc_local_interfaces=' ;; ::1' * dc_readhost='' * dc_relay_domains='mx2.bdcom.net' * dc_minimaldns='false' * dc_relay_nets=';;;;;2403:4000::/32' * dc_smarthost='mx.bdcom.net' * CFILEMODE='644' * dc_use_split_config='false' * dc_hide_mailname='false' * dc_mailname_in_oh='true' * dc_localdelivery='mail_spool' * message_size_limit='6M' '' aptitude install alpine'' ''alpine -f /var/spool/mail/system'' ''apt-get install dovecot-core'' ''apt-get install dovecot-imapd'' ''apt-get install dovecot-pop3d'' ''service dovecot start'' * * root@mx2:~$ telnet localhost pop3 * Trying localhost... * Connected to localhost. * Escape character is '^]'. * +OK dovecot ready.