1. show version
2. control break
3.confreg 0x2102 /confreg 0x2142
4. reset
5.copy startup config running config
- Reset CISCO Router Password
- ## Reset CISCO Router Password ##
- Connect console cable directly with router * and open Hyper Terminal or Tera Term or Putty or any others * * Press two times “break” button to enter rommon mode
- Alt + b == for TeraTerm software to break
- Ctrl + Break == for Hyper terminal
- Ctrl + Break == for terminal
- rommon 1>
- change config register from 0x2102 to 0x2142 to bypass passowrd * * rommon 1> confreg 0x2142 * * type reset to restart router or poweroff-on manually
- rommon 2> reset
- type “no” or Ctrl+C to skip setup procedure
- and finally press enter for login
- router>
- router>enable
- router#
- router# configure memory
- router# configure terminal
- router(config)#
- router(config)# enable secret newpassowrd
- router(config)#
- router(config)#config-register 0x2102
- router(config)# exit
- router#
- router# write or copy running-config startup-config
- ** if you want to erase all previous configureations then follow bellow
- router#
- router# write erase
- Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue? [confirm]
- <Press Enter key>
- router#
- Router#reload
- Do you want to reload the internal AP ? [yes/no]: yes
- Proceed with reload? [confirm]
- …
- Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes|no] no <Press Enter key>
- –OR–
- Do you want to save the configuration of the AP? [yes|no] no <Press Enter key>
pass_brack.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/06 11:31 by